Cumulative Giving Partners

Tennessee Golf Foundation Partners are donors that have given a cumulative amount of $10,000 or more since 1990.
- American Junior Golf Assn
- Avenue Bank
- Bank of Tennessee
- Belle Meade CC
- BellSouth Senior Classic
- Billy Daniel Junior Scholarship
- BlueCross BlueShield of Tn
- Bluegrass Yacht & CC
- Bovis Lend Lease
- Bridgestone/Firestone
- Cal Turner Family Foundation
- Stuart Campbell
- Tom L. Campbell
- Greg Cantrell
- Rick & Andrea Carlton, AWC
- Chattanooga Chapter Tennessee PGA
- Chattanooga Golf & CC
- Cherokee CC
- Clarcor
- Corrections Corporation of America
- Council Fire Golf Club
- Cupp Design, Inc.
- Delek Fund for Hope
- Delta Dental of Tennessee
- Earl Swensson Associates
- EMJ Corporation
- Fairfield Communities
- FedEx St. Jude Classic
- Ferguson Enterprises, Inc.
- Friends of Fred Russell
- Friends of Old Hickory
- Teaching Room
- Friends of Pat Abbott Future Champions Fund
- James H. Fyke Municipal Championship
- Gaylord Entertainment
- Herchel Spears Fund
- Hillwood Country Club
- IREM Charity Golf Tournament
- Jack Daniels Distillery
- Jackson Country Club
- Jake Fondren Fundraiser
- Jesse Frank Junior Golf Scholarship Fund
- Joe C. Davis Foundation
- Memphis Country Club
- Memphis Golf Association
- The Mick Foundation
- Middlecoff Memorial Golf Tournament
- Mid State Junior Golf Assn.
- Music City Bowl, Inc.
- Nashville Golf & Athletic Club
- Nashville Predators
- Nashville Women’s GA
- Nike Tn, Inc.
- Nissan Motor Manufacturing
- Opry Mills
- PGA of America Foundation
- Raycom Management Grp.
- Richland Country Club
- Sara Lee Corporation
- William E. Schmidt Foundation
- Shivas Irons Society
- Elizabeth B. Stadler Fnd.
- Tennessee Golf Association
- Tennessee Golf Course Superintendents Association
- Tennessee Section PGA
- Assisi Foundation of Memphis
- The Golf Club of Tennessee
- The First Tee/World Golf Foundation
- The Frist Foundation
- The Grove
- The Honors Course
- The Memorial Foundation
- The Pioneer Fund
- Thunderbird Youth Fund
- Tour Vision Promotions
- Tri City Chapter Tn PGA
- Union Planters Bank
- United States Golf Assn.
- 2018 US Women’s Amateur Championship
- Vanderbilt Legends Club
- Volunteer Chapter, CMAA
- Wal-Mart Stores
- Willis & Knight, PLC
Individuals & Families
- Michael M. Aiken, M.D.
- Tim Akers
- Bill W. Akin
- Jeff Alger
- Brad & Elizabeth Allen
- Greg Allen
- David Anderson
- Fred Anderson
- Currie Andrews
- Bill Argabrite
- Fred C. Ayers*
- Coy Baggett
- J. Dean Baggett
- Edgar H. Bailey*
- Kirk P. Bailey
- Cullen & Helen* Baker
- Tom Bannen
- Ed Barnett
- Tom Beasley
- Cotton & Sarah Berrier
- Bonnie Blackburn*
- Stephen E. Blackmon
- George Bone
- Cawthon Bowen, Jr.*
- Colin Braithwaite
- Bill & Hannah Breen
- Mike Brelsford
- Mark & Cynthia Brooks
- D. Frank Brown, Jr.*
- Don Bruce
- Ted Buchter
- Don & Julie Bumgardner
- John R. Burch, Jr.
- George Burger*
- Billy Bob Burks
- Bruce Burnett
- James Bush
- Randy Button
- James H. Byram*
- Joe Chalmers
- Gary Chazen
- James Christain
- Kent Cleaver
- Brent Clements
- John Coben
- Forrest Conner
- Lewis H. Conner, Jr.
- George A. Coors, M.D.*
- Dick Cornman
- Dan Crockett
- Mike Curb
- Brownlee Currey, Jr.
- G. Thomas Curtis
- Greg Daily
- Raymond L. Danner*
- *Al & Gerry Darr
- Joe Davenport III
- C. Terry Deaton
- Robert DeBastiani
- Boyd Dethero
- Fred Dettwiller
- Bill Dinker
- Dr. John Dixon
- Garey Eakes
- Jim J. Eakin
- Bruce Edenton, III
- Mike & Barbara Eller
- J. Kirby Ellis
- Eric Emery
- Mark & Cindy Enderle
- Paul W. Enoch, Jr.
- Jere M. Ervin
- William J. Ervin
- DeWitt Ezell
- Bob & Amanda Farnsworth
- Lyle Finley
- John Floyd
- Buzz & Sandra Fly
- Pete Flynn
- Lewis Foster
- Bob Frey
- Tommy & Julie Frist
- Robert Frost
- James Harold Fyke*
- Elbert Garner
- Harper Gaston
- Marbut Glenn Gaston, Jr.
- Henry Geny
- William D. Gibbons
- Roger Gibson
- Vince Gill
- Martin Gilmore
- Katherine Graham*
- Amy Grant
- Mr. & Mrs. Burton Grant*
- John C. Grant, Jr.*
- John “Toby” Gray
- William B. Greene, Jr.
- Kenneth L. Groomes
- Greg Guinn
- Frank Gusmus, Jr.
- Mike Hackett
- Doug Hall
- Roy Harmon
- Ray Harness
- Ramsey Hassan
- Gary Hegel
- Steve Hewlett
- Allen Holman
- Dick & Connie Horton
- Albert D. Huddleston
- Jim Hunt, The Hunt Family
- Barry Hyde
- Ed Ingle
- David & Sarah Ingram
- Bronson Ingram*
- Martha Ingram
- William C. Ireland
- Chuck Jabaley*
- Larry & Camilla Jackson
- Tim Jackson
- Hal Johnson
- Rudy Johnson
- Norm Johnson
- Eddie Johnston
- Edgar M. Jolley*
- Nancy Jolley
- Jerry Jones
- Larry Kain
- C. William Kaman, II
- Stan Kantanie
- Mike & Rita Kaplan
- Jon Kemp
- David King
- Matt King
- Walter G. Knestrick
- Fred W. Lazenby
- Jerry Lemons
- Richard W. Lenderman, Jr.
- John Litchfield, Jr.
- Robert Loudermilk
- Roy W. Luckett
- John T. Lupton, Jr.*
- Alice Lupton*
- Bill Lynch
- R. Tom Malloy
- Mark Marshall
- R. Brad Martin
- C. Scott Mayfield*
- Bob Maynard
- Tom McClendon, Craigsanquhar House
- Paul & Carla McCombs
- John & Georgia McCravey
- James W. McGlothlin
- French McKnight
- Rob McNeilly
- Stuart C. McWhorter
- Kenneth Melkus
- Edith B. Middlecoff*
- Don C. Midgett
- Aon Miller
- Dick & Sharalena Miller
- Mike & *Orvis Milner
- Marshal Mize
- Bill Moore
- Bob Morrison
- Jim Morrison
- David S. Myers
- West Newman
- Don Nicewonder
- Mike Nixon
- Doug Odom
- Richard Odom
- Bond Oman
- Bill O’Neil
- David Owen
- Joe Palmer
- Ron E. Perry
- Curtis Person, Sr.*
- Robert W. Petty
- Gary Pinsly
- Richard Pinson
- Marshall Polk, III
- Sam H. Poteet, Jr.
- John J. Powers
- William H. Price
- Scotty* & Betty Probasco
- Scott Probasco III
- Tom Provow
- Cabot Pyle
- Ruth Randolph
- Bill & Amy Rhodes
- John W. Rich*
- D. Tate Rich
- Barbara Richards
- Joe Richardson
- James. R. Robers
- GaNelle Roberts
- Loren Roberts
- Mason* & Carol* Rudolph
- Ryman Hospitality
- Ron Samuels
- John Sangervasi
- Doug Sandell
- Tina Sanders
- Jim Sattler
- J. Ronald Scott*
- Jim Seabury
- Hank Shackelford
- Mike Shea
- Sherrard Roe Voigt & Harbison
- Lynah Sherrill*
- Mr. & Mrs. James Sievers
- Bruce Smith
- Gail Smothers Smith
- Lisa & Stuart Smith
- Walton N. Smith, Jr.
- Brandt & Mandy Snedeker
- Steve South, South College
- Richard Speer
- Jimmy Spradley
- Scott & Jennifer Stallings
- Pat* & Jean St. Charles
- Joe Steakley
- Tom Steele
- John Sterchi
- Gordon P. Street, Jr.*
- Rab Summers
- Rick Swafford
- Alexis Tarumianz, Jr.
- Scott & Tracie Hamilton
- Scott Thomas
- Tim Thomas
- Michael P. Thompson
- Jeff Tickle
- John D. Tickle
- John “Spike” Tickle II
- John Towell
- James S. Turner
- Steve & Judy Turner
- Bob Waldschmidt
- Bob Walick
- Chuck Walker
- John Wallace
- Steve Ward
- Dudley Warner, II
- Chad Wasserman
- Steve Webb
- Sam Welborn*
- Don J. White
- R. Brian White
- Jack Wilder
- Don Williams
- Ken Williams
- Turner P. Williams*
- W. Fred Williams
- Tommy & Carol Ann Wilson
- Fleming Wilt
- Toby S. Wilt
- David Work
- Randy Yoder
- Nicholas S. Zeppos