Tennessee Golf Foundation Scholarships
Core to the TGF mission is giving the disadvantage an opportunity to play and learn the game of golf. There are several scholarships and endowment opportunities to support. Your donations help bring the life-enhancing values golf can instill to people who otherwise might not have the chance. And who knows, you might just be the spark that allows a local child to develop into the next Masters Champion!

Campbell Martin Sneds Tour Scholarship Fund
Campbell Martin, of Brentwood, TN, tragically passed away in a sledding accident on February 16, 2021, at the age of 9. Campbell was an avid golfer and had been a member of the Sneds Tour in 2019 and 2020. Campbell was a great player, winning several tournaments on the Sneds Tour, but most of his fellow peers knew him for enthusiasm for the game, calm demeanor on the course and his ability to always encourage his fellow competitors.
While Campbell will be deeply missed, his legacy will never be forgotten. The Campbell Martin Scholarship Fund was created to honor Campbell’s legacy by providing opportunities for junior golfers to compete on the Sneds Tour who might not otherwise have the financial resources to do so.
Youth Golf Scholarships
Annually the Tennessee Golf Foundation provides tuition support to students participating in the Tennessee PGA Junior Golf Academy, The First Tee, the Sneds Tour and regional camps and clinics. Juniors are often selected by Clubs, or regional outreach programs and are based on need and other program related criterias.
Gifts to the Tennessee Golf Foundation are fully tax deductible. The Tennessee Golf Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit charity and its mission is to promote golf and its life-enhancing values with an emphasis on teaching youth and the disadvantaged.
First Tee College Scholarships
Each year the Tennessee Golf Foundation and the First Tee of Tennessee awards college scholarships to deserving ACE graduates of the First Tee. The purpose of these scholarships are to acknowledge participants from the First Tee of Tennessee with college scholarships for their accomplishments in the classroom, on the course, and with the game’s life-enhancing core values. In 2022 over $70,000 in scholarships were awarded.
Special Thank You to our First Tee College Scholarship Donors:
For the Mike Kaplan Legacy Fund
Bill Dinker
Rita Kaplan
Nashville Predators Foundation
Greg Pease
Sherrard Roe Voigt & Harbison
James Harold Fyke Scholarship Fund
Scott & Tracie Hamilton
William E. Schmidt Foundation
Roy M. Speer Foundation

2021 recipients of First Tee scholarships